ICA Connects you with high level clients

We have an extensive recruitment process that we follow, in order to help you land the best possible offer with our clients.

We learn about YOU, your background, experience but most importantly, your goals and aspirations. We LISTEN to what you would see as the next step in your career!

We review your resume/CV, help you update and modify it, and make sure it represents you in the best way possible.  There is an underemphasis on this, but a good resume goes a long way.

We internalize your background and goals and match you with the opportunities that line up most directly with what you are looking for.  Open-mindedness is essential in this step.

We prepare you for each individual interview. We provide as much detail and upfront advice to ensure your interview is successful!  You can also rest assured knowing we do the same with our clients as well.

We help you negotiate the best offer possible and make sure every detail of the offer is clarified.  This is a nerve-racking part of the process for you, and we are here to lighten that burden and make it a pleasant experience.

We consult you on best business practices when leaving your current employer.  This is always the most uncomfortable part of the process and we will be here to walk you through it and give you the confidence you need to put in your notice properly.

Connect with one of our recruiters